Recipes created specifically for children are based on the same criteria but using the previously recommended GDAs for a 7-10 year old.
We utilise the previous GDAs for children’s recipes, as no guidance or provision has been given by the European Commission for children, as well as using UK School Food Standards.
Salt is something that we have to be extremely careful about when cooking for children, because too much salt in their diet can be especially harmful.
For this reason we only season with a tiny pinch, which equates to 0.5g of salt, and we have published nutritional information based on this.
In addition to this, where salty ingredients are used in children’s dishes we try to avoid any added salt.
The recipes do not state whether to use whole-fat dairy products. We leave that up to the cook to decide, but we recommend that semi-skimmed milk and natural yoghurt are used for children over the age of two, unless they’re underweight.
For this reason, we have based our nutritional analysis on these lower-fat dairy options.
In children of different age and gender there is a variation in energy level requirements and nutrient recommendations, therefore our targets are based on guidelines only, as the Department of Health has stated that there are no children’s reference intakes.
Wherever adult recipes are used for children, you should be aware that seasoning and serving sizes should be adjusted accordingly, and recipes that contain a lot of naturally salty ingredients should be avoided.