Privacy Policy


If you are under 16, please read this instead.

This Privacy Policy explains what personal information we hold about you, how we collect it, and how we use and may share information about you. It relates to any personal information we receive from via:

  • our Websites:,, and any other Jamie Oliver website that links to this Privacy Policy
  • our Social Pages: social media pages and accounts for “Jamie Oliver” and “Jamie’s Ministry of Food UK”
  • our Services: our subscription services and any other Jamie Oliver services that link to this Privacy Policy.
  • our Contact channels: where you provide or submit your personal information to us by email, phone, SMS, on social media (for example in response to a competition or promotion), in letters and in person.
  • our relationships with business partners, licensees and suppliers (where you are their staff member, officer or agent).

It also relates to any personal information you provide or submit to us by email, phone, SMS, on social media (for example in response to a competition or promotion), in Messenger and other chat bots, in letters and in person.

This Privacy Policy should be read together with our:

There may be other privacy policies or terms and conditions that apply to certain services we provide or promotions/competitions we run. Please always read these when you participate in these promotions or register for these services.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any Jamie Oliver franchised restaurants or cookery school websites or social media pages.

Who we are

When you visit our Websites, use our Services, interact with us (including via our Social Pages) or your personal information is otherwise submitted to us, Jamie Oliver Limited (‘us’ and ‘we’) is a ‘data controller’ and gathers and uses certain information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (or ‘UK GDPR’, being the retained version of the EU General Data Protection Regulation after Brexit) and the UK Data Protection Act.

Other companies might sell Jamie Oliver branded products or provide Jamie Oliver related services under licence. Please make sure you always check their privacy policies so you know who they are and how they will use your personal information.